madera ifh

MASHONASTE (Clarisia racemosa Ruiz &Pav)

It reaches up to 40 m high, with commercial height average of 20 m and up to 80 cm of diameter; cylindrical trunk, with low roots strips poorly developed. The superficial bark of the trunk is a smooth and thin, of greyish reddish color, with orange lenticels; the dead bark pulls away in long pieces that are observed adhered by some time in the surface of the trunk.

International trade name: Guariuba.
Family: Moraceae.

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²) 

0.56 9.40 139,000 926 690








Grupo IFH

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Our Industry

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Carretera Federico Basadre Km. 12
Yarinacocha, Coronel Portillo, Ucayali, Perú

Mob: +51 997847059